Veterans Day

Many people confuse Memorial Day and Veterans Day. Memorial Day is a day for remembering and honoring military personnel who died in the service of their country, particularly those who died in battle or as a result of wounds sustained in battle. While those who died are also remembered on Veterans Day, Veterans Day is the day set aside to thank and honor ALL those who served honorably in the military – in wartime or peacetime.

It means we can look to our left or to our right and thank a veteran in our neighborhood, our workplace, our church, our gym, and our schools and all over our country.   They are alive, they are working, they are setting examples through ordinary lives being well lived.  They seldom discuss their service and shy away from the spotlight but make no mistake they are among you and even now impacting your lives.

The numbers of veterans I know and love are many.  They have taught me so many things, most recently how to raise two little rescue girls from Arkansas, thank you Shawn, the value of a good long walk, thank you Alan, the value of education, thank you Rawleigh, how to truss a roast, thank you Paulie and how to keep my Aunt Millie’s Easter Bread a valued tradition, thank you Jack. My thanks are heartfelt for the patience and generosity these men have shown over the years and I’m glad they are still around and among us to this day.

The veterans that I’ve lost are forever in my heart and memory.  The strength and legacy of each of them will far outlast their being among us on a day to day basis. Although I wish my father and my friend Cookie were still here, I make it my business to keep their names on everyone’s lips.

This is the first year that we will no longer have a living veteran to honor from World War I.  Rest in peace knowing that your honor follows you and we remain grateful for your service. Give thanks today for all that you have, it is yours because of a Veteran.  Let them know their service was appreciated.


One thought on “Veterans Day

  1. Thank a veteran today. I did. The Veterans Home in Paramus can always use visitors. Show them they are not forgotten.

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