Blessed Are the Funny Women in my Life

I’ve known Marcy for 49 years, sorry Marcy I know that irks the shit out of you when I put it in print, and today is her birthday.  We call each other for our birthdays and say the same thing each time. Boy are you old.  And then it goes on from there.  We catch up, we laugh, we laugh, we laugh, we laugh, just before we cry we say I love you and hang up.

She is one of those witty, sarcastic, comediennes that light up my life and she’s been doing it for years. My guess is she will continue to do for many more years.   The quips and quotes just roll off her tongue and hit exactly in that part of my brain that triggers laughter and serotonin induced insurance that laughter is indeed the best medicine.

I have other friends like that.  They haven’t been in my life for quite as long, as a matter of fact one is very new to my world, but just the same they have that same gift.  The gift of comedic timing, catchy phrasing and double meaning that plummets you into fits of laughter.

My friend Willa fits the bill perfectly.  She is loud and brash and to-the- point- spin- you- around and catch you when you’re about to fall down from the hilarity of her words.  I love this girl.  I talk to her on occasion, usually when I need something because she is a genius in the world of accounting behind the scenes and I, frankly, am NOT.  I make no bones about it and for some reason she has taken pity on me and saves my ass regularly.  Aside from that she has a heart of gold, which she will deny, she has strength and a certain stature that can only come from circumstances well lived or should I say well survived.

And then there is Marianne, story teller extraordinaire.  Famous for having to be talked off the cliff before she says what absolutely NEEDS to be said but would cost her some skin.  Thankfully, I am the one she tends to call for such talk downs and I couldn’t be more obliging because it is hysterical.  God love her she can rant to beat the band.

I will forever be grateful for her tale of youth told at a most critical moment of my life.  My friend Cookie was very sick and she told the best “stink eye” story I have ever heard, or will ever hear for that matter.  Details remain sealed because I’m not sure if the statute of limitations has run out but suffice to say she brought me to my knees with that one.  I have continued to pull it out and read it whenever I need to shake off the bullshit around me and it never fails to lighten my load and bring me to my knees with laughter again and again.  Hopefully she will allow me to publish it one day.

The gift of laughter is precious and imperative for a good life.  I am glad to have these women and their amazing gifts in my life.  As Willa said just today:  “If I can get you to blow your coffee out through your nose then I have done my job!  Rock on cool lady…And always laugh…Otherwise the crazies win.”

Blessed am I to know them.