Full Moon Rant

2013-12-18 Good Morning from Stowe Lane (2)

“The moon was reigning over their world, glowing its full splendor to all those willing to look up.” ― Irina Serban 


I seem to be living on the corner of “What do you think?” and “What do you want to hear?”  It’s a pretty damn busy street when venting and excuses make their way into the same conversation over and over and over again and you no longer know how to respond.  Should you ask, are you venting or do you want me to respond? Or should you just assume the person is venting and shut your mouth, wait for the what do you think at the big exhale or the end of the email that says, “Your thoughts?”  So do you want my thoughts or is that just a way of getting me to bite.  Because I’ll bite…



God knows I can spew off a good rant given the right circumstances and most people find it amusing but they know when I get to the end of it it’s over, it’s out of my system and I can move along to the things that give me strength, balance, and dare I say it, joy.  But there are others who can spew the same rant over and over and over, are you sensing a theme here?  What’s the sense of ranting, venting, bitching, whatever your favorite term for it, if it brings you no relief.  If you don’t come to any conclusions at the end of it, if you don’t see a plan or even an inkling of a plan what good is going over it again.  If you’re going to get something out of your system then get it the hell out.  My guess is if you’re living the definition of insanity then you’re not really venting but asking for an opinion.  Or another opinion since you’ve probably been given opinions (your thoughts?) before.  Or you like the sound of your own voice lamenting your situation.  Or you’re making excuses that are probably fueled by fear the destroyer of all things creative and confidence driven. excuse


I especially love the part that says I don’t understand.  Ok, maybe I don’t but it’s not like I’ve been living alongside the enchanted forest for my whole life.  Most of my life I was stuck in a job that was extremely high stress, mostly brought on by my setting martyr precedence I later realized I didn’t want to live with at the same time himself was losing
his mind and collecting ATM receipts for 200.00 at a time on a daily basis.  Yeah I think I know a thing or two about high level stress and what we do to ourselves under the guise of fear and the unknown.  So stamp your feet if you want… all you want, but know that you have to actually do something to make it stop.

I know I’m that person that wants to fix everything and everybody and it takes an enormous amount of effort for me to hold back so forgive me that and just say it out loud: I’m venting, you just need to listen.  I’m good with that it helps me.  But don’t tell me your just venting and then set an expectation to it, I get confused.  You can’t have it both ways…you can’t live on the corner of “I’m going to piss and moan again about the same thing” and “Oh yeah I’m not going to do anything about it and get mad at you when you remind me of a few things I might try (again)”  What????

So for all you little darlings (and you do know who you all are) that had varying degrees of shit fits this week I’m blaming it on the moon.  It’s full and it seems to me it’s getting fuller all the time and hardly waning…ever.  I’m begging you to make up your mind.  You’ve put me in that position of wise woman and then you slap me for pointing out the obvious, really?  I’m breaking my own precedent, I no long want to live in a perpetual full moon, I am not that wise woman I am simply going to follow your lead.  I know like I know that the only corner I want to live on is Stowe Lane and Enchanted Forest. Whew, I feel much better.