Plan B…Again

plan B

Some people will tell you that having a Plan B just muddies up the waters for Plan A. Other people will tell you that the most successful people always have a Plan B. If you think for one minute you can plan your life you’re wrong. All you can ever do is be available for it, your life that is.

What was supposed to be an adventure into the city to walk the High Line and nibble our way through the meat packing district instead turned into welcoming new puppy Eloise home to Sleepy Hollow. Carly and family aka the Hodgsons are the proud new family of tiny Shepard mixed with god knows what Eloise as of today. Things happened that quickly, too quickly to even get a focused shot of Eloise.

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I was not without apprehension, these are fly by the seat of their pants, leave the door wide open, run hither and yon people. Puppies take discipline and work and time and boundaries and pack leadership and on and on. Enter Aunt Sandi with all her apprehension and a bag full of toys, a puppy gate and a soft sided crate, an open heart and she was pleasantly gratefully surprised. Carly is steadfast in her learning about being pack leader. She has learned and read and absorbed everything the experts have been telling her over the last two days. Thankfully she’s a quick study and I put her in charge. She will be an amazing pack leader and I exhaled.

So while the adventure changed it did in fact remain an adventure topped off by a walk through the Sleepy Hollow cemetery at the Old Dutch Church in Sleepy Hollow.

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Followed by some delicious nibbles at Mint in Tarrytown. As you can see we ate through the cheese and charcuterie board too quickly for even one picture.

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I have lived in Plan B my whole life and it has and continues to serve me well.

2 thoughts on “Plan B…Again

  1. Yes, life is about how we handle those Plan B’s. Seems they get thrown at us more often than not!

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