Suffice to say…

2015-04-05 12.08.46-5This was a day filled with tradition and family; the kind of family that is fashioned a bit from friendship and a bit from inheritance.  We gathered to share a meal that was part Easter and part Spring.  We ate the traditional foods in a different way, we picked.  We put it all on the table and just sat around and shared.  2015-04-04 13.14.56

2015-04-04 13.15.07-2We shared food and stories and laughs and concerns and wine and sweets.  We had the windows open for a time and the air smelled of fresh soil and renewal.  The music was jazzy and the exhale was immediate.  Just like Sping, love was in the air.

Rusty Cook

They say that Spring is a time for new beginnings but those new beginnings don’t come without old endings.  We lost our much-loved Rusty this week leaving Mocha to figure out life without him.  Our hearts are broken but if my dear Toti Nonna can begin to show the love again I am certain that little Mocha will too.

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“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” Maria Robinson

3 thoughts on “Suffice to say…

  1. Thank you for a wonderful day! Food, laughter and family. It doesn’t get any better.

  2. Pingback: Spring – Things I Love | Ordinary Legacy

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